Hypertension, also known as HTN or high blood pressure (HBP), is a health condition carrying a high risk. People may know that the develop high blood pressure from several symptoms such as dizziness, but some do not have a clue until it is all too late. For that reason, it is crucial to always be aware and take immediate action when hypertension is identified because the higher it is, the more dangerous it will be. When left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke.
About blood pressure in general
Blood pressure is the force happening on the arterial walls as the blood flows all the way through the arteries. When you are measuring your blood pressure, you will find systolic and diastolic pressure. Systolic pressure is the higher one, which is when the heart beats to deliver blood. Diastolic pressure is the lower one, which is when the heart is resting and blood runs into it.
How to know whether you have hypertension or not
Measuring your blood pressure on a regular basis is the best way to know whether you have hypertension or not. However, you need to remember that the blood pressure may be high at a specific time, but that does not mean that you have hypertension. You should measure it regularly because it may fluctuate based on movement, posture, mood, and many others.
To know the category of blood pressure, you can check out the following range (for more details, refer to this blood pressure chart page) :
Below 120/80 mmhg : Normal Blood Pressure
120-139/80-89 mmhg : Prehypertension
140-159/90-99 : Stage 1 Hypertension
More than 160/100 : Stage 2 Hypertension
Lowering high blood pressure naturally
For immediate action, you can practice the following to treat hypertension: be more active physically, maintain ideal weight, practice healthy eating habits (reduce excessive salt & high calories & saturated fat), avoid pollution, meditate, get a pet, etc.
Remember to visit your doctor if your blood pressure is extremely high to prevent unwanted consequences. If you desire to practice alternative ways to reduce high blood pressure, you can go to this page to learn more. Still, do not drop your hypertension drugs off with these alternative ways as you need to consult your physician first. It can be dangerous to cut off medications immediately.
Friday, February 15, 2024
Fighting Hypertension
| 12:36 PM | High blood pressure
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